Apr 16, 2022 | Youth
Schockiert von den schrecklichen Bilder des Ukraine Krieges hat die Jugend des GC Schloss Elkofen beschlossen, die Grafinger Tafel bei der Versorgung der ukrainischen Flüchtlinge zu unterstützen.
Aus diesem Grund werden wir eine Sammelkiste im Sekretariat aufstellen und die gesammelten Spenden regelmäßig der Caritas, dem Träger der Tafel, übergeben. Gebraucht werden hauptsächlich haltbare Lebensmittel sowie Drogerieartikel. Nähere Informationen findet Ihr hier.
Wir freuen uns über Eure tatkräftige Unterstützung!
Annette und Patrizia
Out of bounds (Rule 18.2)
Out of bounds limits are generally marked by white posts.
Penalty areas (Rule 17)
All areas marked by yellow or red stakes or lines. If both are present, the line applies.
Immovable obstructions
All paths with artificial surfaces, young plants marked with a stake or tape, all large stones that can't be moved, the shelters at fairways 9 and 12, the halfway house, and all electric fences are immovable obstructions. Relief according to Rule 16.1.
Ground under repair, abnormal course conditions (Rule 16.1)
Ground under repair is marked by white circles and/or blue stakes. If both are present, the line applies. If the player’s ball lies in this area or it obstructs the player’s standing position or the space required for him or her to carry out his or her intended swing, the player must take relief according to Rule 16.1. Penalty for violating this rule in match play – loss of hole; stroke play – two strokes.
Use of golf carts
For handicap tournaments, golf carts may be used only by players who can present either a disabled person’s pass with an entry stating that they have a mobility impediment or a current medical certificate.
Stopping play; resuming play (Rule 5.7)
If applicable, any special rules are announced in the secretariat and by posting them on the notice board.
Competition rules
The competition regulations / course regulations of the BGV Hardcard also apply.
Risk of thunderstorm
Leave your bag where it is and go to the nearest shelter. At the tees of fairways number 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15 or in the underpass between greens number 7 and 16 and at the tees of fairways number 8 and 17.
Safety information
Players are permitted to tee off from tees number 1 and 6 or play through on fairways number 1, 4, 16, and 17 only if the player concerned is convinced that he or she cannot endanger anyone. Follow and use the signaling devices on fairways number 4 and 16. You must use the street underpass to move from green number 7 to tee number 8 and from green number 16 to tee number 17.
Distance markings:
Stainless steel posts with 3 rings: 200 m, 2 rings: 150 m, and 1 ring: 100 m; ground plates, yellow: 200 m, red: 150 m, and white: 100 m; measured to the edge of the green.
Rules of conduct for players (Rule 1.2)
All players are expected to play in the spirit of the game (Rule 1.2a), e.g.
Violation of rules of conduct (supplementary to Rule 1.2a)
The Committee can pronounce a golf penalty for misconduct or serious misconduct at its own discretion (a penalty stroke, general penalty, or disqualification).
Anyone entering and/or using the golf course does so at his or her own risk. This also applies to the use of golf carts.
April 2020 – Committee